Thursday, December 1, 2011

modified advent

I'm joining my creative and clever friend Janet in an activity related to Advent for the girls. She sent me a list of her favorite children's literature related to Christmas (she was a first grade teacher for years, so she knows all the good stuff!).  Every evening, we're going to open a new book to read.   We started today, and so far it's a success.  Who doesn't love opening a present and reading a new story?

Originally, I wanted to try to do this, but I think I'll wait a few years until the girls are a little older.

Side story:  Today, smaller munchkin made her teacher laugh out loud.  Miss A asked her if Santa came to her house for Christmas, and my cutie replied, "Noooo, you're silly.  Miss A, Santa lives at the mall!"


  1. I love it, and thanks for the shout-out! We started last night and the kids were so excited to unwrap the first book. I paniced and thought, "M is going to be disappointed when she realizes it's a book she already owned" But she wasn't, they both have asked all day to open the next one. I ended up changing it up a little and on Fridays they open a Christmas video for family movie night! And, I have a Jesse Tree. It is a wonderful idea but WAY over our little ones heads for now. I'm going to let them play with the ornaments this year and we'll talk about anything they wonder about. I think that's a good start! :)

  2. so i'm already in a little trouble, b/c instead of buying these books, i'm borrowing them from the library, and i put a bunch on hold but they aren't available to pick up yet! we made it through tonight, but i'm not sure what i'll do for the next few days...hopefully the library will come through :) i might just have to wrap up some books we own and hope they don't notice :) or i could use your video idea for the weekend!
